Welcome! I am Rabbi Jonathan Biatch of Madison, Wisconsin. "Pulpit Perspectives: My Observations as a Congregational Rabbi" is published every two weeks to reflect my observations about life in my congregation and with my members. The opinions expressed here are solely my own. I invite you to join the dialogue!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Be Happy - It's Adar: GoToMyMinyan.org – A New Way to Pray

I am usually not one to support cutting-edge technology at its product launch, but this month I must let you know about a new Internet-based web service that may make worship more convenient in this busy era of ours.

GoToMyMinyan.org is a new web service that takes the place of getting in the car, driving through possibly difficult weather, finding a far-off parking place, and going into the synagogue.

From the comfort of your home or office computer – or from a 4G mobile device using the GoToMyMobileMinyan app – you can avoid the hassle, save time, and still pray with worshipers who really care about close-knit community.

Just log on, adjust your screen for a minimum of nine fellow worshipers, and begin to pray:

The Synchro-Sound feature provides real-time participation.  Any participant can virtually “lead” the minyan by clicking or tapping on the Rabbi-Cantor tab; only one leader per session, please.  Alternative Video Outsourcing provides secondary video sources, such a Torah scroll for reading on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays; or a song sheet for supplemental music lyrics.

You can extend your worship experience with the optional OnegOrganizer App.  With this feature, you can order individual oneg Shabbat or other holiday food packages to be delivered to your fellow worshipers while you pray, then be ready to conclude worship with a cup of grape juice, wine or schnapps, challah, gefilte fish, cake, cookies, or any other oneg Shabbat food from GoToMyMinyan.org’s extensive Oneg menu.

So for a peaceful and hassle-free worship experience, sign on and subscribe to GoToMyMinyan.org.  When you get to their home page, look in the upper right corner and click on the image of the menorah for a special discount.

Please note: GoToMyMinyan.org should not be confused with GoToMyMignon.org, the online discount steak-purchasing cooperative.

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